Project Manhood
OnlinePlease contact for further information.
Wives Support
Wives, join us in person or virtually for a discussion as we share keys to an enduring marriage during turbulent times.
Couples Fellowship
K.I.N.G. Summit
Evening of Elegance
Making College Affordable
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Please contact for further information.
Join us for the 45th Annual Harvest Fest. Share Jesus with your family, friends and neighbors at this FREE Christ-centered alternative to Halloween.
Every fifth Sunday you can enjoy a worship service inspired and led by our young adults at 6:30 p.m.
Please contact
Faith Girls, do you feel out of place now that you've returned to school? Do you or your friends seem different? How are you dealing with it all? Let's talk. Join us virtually at
Please contact for further information.
Join us for tips on how single parents can date in a pandemic while holding tight to their Christian beliefs in a post-quarantine dating scene. To RSVP, please email