Drama Ministry Meeting
OnlinePlease contact drama@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Wives Support
Wives, join us in person or virtually for a discussion as we share keys to an enduring marriage during turbulent times.
Couples Fellowship
K.I.N.G. Summit
Evening of Elegance
Making College Affordable
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Please contact drama@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact hospitality@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact seniors@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact pastoraid@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact id@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact safetyandtrafficcontrol@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact youngadultchoir@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Join us for our semi-annual church business meeting on July 28 at 7:30 p.m. EDT. This virtual meeting is open to all FBCG members. To register, visit www.fbcglenarden.org/meeting.
Please contact boyscouts@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Join us for our virtual join discipleship graduation on July 31 at 1:30 p.m. EDT as we recognize our discipleship ministry graduates. To watch, visit www.fbcglenarden.org/watchnow.