Feed the Hungry
OnlinePlease contact feedthehungry@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Wives Support
Wives, join us in person or virtually for a discussion as we share keys to an enduring marriage during turbulent times.
Men's Huddle
Men, join us in person or virtually for The Huddle as we grow in walking as disciples of Christ.
Couples Fellowship
K.I.N.G. Summit
Evening of Elegance
Making College Affordable
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Beyond Conference
This year’s conference will equip you with innovative strategies and practical tools to inspire growth, strengthen your leadership, and enhance your impact.
Please contact feedthehungry@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact specialneeds@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact drama@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact hospitality@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact seniors@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact pastoraid@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact id@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact safetyandtrafficcontrol@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact youngadultchoir@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Join us for our semi-annual church business meeting on July 28 at 7:30 p.m. EDT. This virtual meeting is open to all FBCG members. To register, visit www.fbcglenarden.org/meeting.