That’s why the Civic Engagement Ministry at First Baptist Church of Glenarden is committed to educating, empowering and engaging members of our church community on the importance of civic engagement and voting. Registration and voting deadlines are approaching quickly, so utilize the invaluable information below to ensure you register and have your say in the upcoming Maryland General Election!
The Office of Attorney General-Civil Rights Division and the State Board of Elections are currently accepting information you, your organization, or your communities may have on instances of voter interference, intimidation, or misinformation in Maryland. We want to ensure that all Marylanders can exercise their right to vote in the 2024 upcoming Election.
From Oct. 24 – Nov. 5, 2024, Marylanders will exercise their right to vote for candidates of their choice for local, state, and national offices, including the President of the United States. Various media outlets have reported on the proliferation of tactics and strategies that are intended to or may have the result of escalating political tension, suppressing the right to vote, and creating the risk of violence. Misinformation about Marylanders’ voting rights and the integrity of our election systems coupled with caustic rhetoric and recently emboldened fringe groups potentially threatens the fair and orderly administration of elections in Maryland as well as the fundamental right of Marylanders to exercise their right to vote.
To proactively address these threats, the Office of Attorney General and State Board of Elections have established mechanisms for the public to report instances of voter misinformation and intimidation to their offices. The public may report instances of voter misinformation and intimidation to the Attorney General’s Civil Rights Division or the State Board of Elections.
Instances of voter intimidation and misinformation can be reported to David Prater, Assistant Attorney General, at the contact information below. Complaints may also be submitted online at the Office of Attorney General Civil Rights Division website located here.
To report election misinformation to the State Board of Elections, you may use SBE Disinformation portal located here:
The Attorney General and State Board of Elections will review reported instances of misinformation and intimidation. The offices will use their authority to ensure Marylanders are accurately informed about their voting rights and are free from threats of intimidation and coercion. Moreover, the offices will ensure that elections in Maryland are safe, orderly, and transparent so that Marylanders know our elections are fairly conducted. Where appropriate, a referral may be made to the Office of State Prosecutor for criminal prosecution.
If you are aware of any past, current, or ongoing plans that may spread misinformation about voting rights or the integrity of elections; or active plans to engage in tactics that may have the effect of dissuading voters from participating in elections, please report these activities to the Office of Attorney General or the State Board of Elections.
This website offers a step-by-step guide for Marylanders who want to participate in the presidential elections.
Find your polling place, request a ballot and track your ballot.