Wives Support
Wives, join us in person or virtually for a discussion as we share keys to an enduring marriage during turbulent times.
Couples Fellowship
K.I.N.G. Summit
Evening of Elegance
Making College Affordable
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Please contact mentalhealthsupport@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Join us for a dramatic performance symbolizing the journey leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. We will also be joined by musical guest, Josh Copeland. To watch online, visit www.fbcglenarden.org/watchnow or Facebook Live.
After the crucifixion, there was a silent Saturday as the disciples waited for Jesus’ resurrection. In honor of this, use this day to silence your activities. Consider fasting from Saturday to Sunday or turning your social media activity black for...
On Resurrection Sunday, we will pick up on the story of Jesus’ journey from the crucifixion to the risen Savior. Pastor Jenkins will deliver an impactful message during our 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and noon worship services. To join us,...
After morning worship services, join us at 6:30 p.m. EDT for a special night of live worship as we remember Christ’s sacrifices with special guest, Todd Galberth. To join us, visit www.fbcglenarden.org/watchnow or Facebook Live.
Join us for Turning Your Passion Into Your Profit at Any Age as we discuss how to generate income using your God-given talent. To register, visit fbcglenarden.org/familyacademy.
Maryland Delegates will join us as we discuss business opportunities and resources in Maryland. To register, visit fbcglenarden.org/cbimeeting.
Be Your Own Boss: Gigs that Generate Income Whether you are in between jobs, looking for a second job, or just interested in generating additional income, side gigs can be a great way to do something that you enjoy while...
Please contact transportation@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact safetyandtraffic@fbcglendarden.org for further information.
Please contact Wisebuilders@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact safetyandtrafficcontrol@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact seniorushers@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact sundayschool@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Blended and Blessed is designed for anyone desiring to learn and grow through a blended family dynamic. Registration is required to attend. To register, visit fbcglenarden.org/blendedfamilies.
Join us on Saturday, April 24 at 9 a.m. EDT to hear and engage with subject matter experts identifying and solving COVID-19 related issues in Prince George’s County. To register, visit fbcglenarden.org/civicengagement.
This conference will help young adults find their passions, determine their purpose, and learn how to persevere through life according to Godly principles. To register, visit www.fbcglenarden.org/identify.
Please contact safetyandtraffic@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact youngadultchoir@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact mentalhealthsupport@fbcglenarden.org for further information.
Please contact htb@fbcglenarden.org for further information.