Christian Business Meeting
Please contact for further information.
Blended & Blessed
Step into a new way of thinking, loving, and living in your blended family. Learn the keys to humility, self-control and coping with your personal and family challenges.
Seniors on the Go
Seniors ages 60 and over, join us for an evening of fun, music and fellowship. For in-person attendees, please bring your own food.
The Bridge
The Bridge is geared to help new young adults (ages 18-21) cross over into adulthood.
The Huddle
Men, join us in person or online as we grow in walking as disciples of Christ.
The Huddle
Join us in person or online as we explore the keys to building lasting love connections through unbreakable bonds while deepening our relationship with God and one another.
Glory to Glory
Join us in-person or online for Glory to Glory, a Good Friday production that will take you on a journey through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All Over NYC
FBCG is coming to New York! Get ready for a powerful worship experience. Join us for a worship service with Pastor Jenkins followed by an in-person baptism.
Beyond Conference
This year’s conference will equip you with innovative strategies and practical tools to inspire growth, strengthen your leadership, and enhance your impact.
Kingdom Kids Camp
Kingdom Kids Camp offers faith, fun & growth! With activities from arts to sports, your child will stay engaged in God’s love all summer. Register your child today!
Blended Families
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Financial Assistance Webinar
NEW DATE! Join us virtually for a college financial assistance webinar where we will discuss financial aid, grants, and scholarships.
Veterans Claims Clinic
Veterans, join us to learn the necessary resources to file a claim and understand the PACT Act.
Wives Support
Wives, join us for "A Husband's Point of View" as husbands share their hearts on developing harmony in their marriage despite challenges.
Grace Girls Gathering
Grace Girls, join us in person or online as we reflect on the awe-inspiring nature of God's holiness which empowers us to live out our purpose in Him.
Singles Fellowship
Singles, round up your FRANCES list for a night of trivia! Let's turn present-day challenges you may be experiencing into opportunities for community.
Blended & Blessed
Step into a new way of thinking, loving, and living in your blended family. Learn the keys to humility, self-control and coping with your personal and family challenges.
Seniors on the Go
Seniors ages 60 and over, join us for an evening of fun, music and fellowship. For in-person attendees, please bring your own food.
The Bridge
The Bridge is geared to help new young adults (ages 18-21) cross over into adulthood.
The Huddle
Men, join us in person or online as we grow in walking as disciples of Christ.
The Huddle
Join us in person or online as we explore the keys to building lasting love connections through unbreakable bonds while deepening our relationship with God and one another.
Glory to Glory
Join us in-person or online for Glory to Glory, a Good Friday production that will take you on a journey through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All Over NYC
FBCG is coming to New York! Get ready for a powerful worship experience. Join us for a worship service with Pastor Jenkins followed by an in-person baptism.
Beyond Conference
This year’s conference will equip you with innovative strategies and practical tools to inspire growth, strengthen your leadership, and enhance your impact.
Kingdom Kids Camp
Kingdom Kids Camp offers faith, fun & growth! With activities from arts to sports, your child will stay engaged in God’s love all summer. Register your child today!
Blended Families
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Financial Assistance Webinar
NEW DATE! Join us virtually for a college financial assistance webinar where we will discuss financial aid, grants, and scholarships.
Veterans Claims Clinic
Veterans, join us to learn the necessary resources to file a claim and understand the PACT Act.
Wives Support
Wives, join us for "A Husband's Point of View" as husbands share their hearts on developing harmony in their marriage despite challenges.
Grace Girls Gathering
Grace Girls, join us in person or online as we reflect on the awe-inspiring nature of God's holiness which empowers us to live out our purpose in Him.
Singles Fellowship
Singles, round up your FRANCES list for a night of trivia! Let's turn present-day challenges you may be experiencing into opportunities for community.
Blended & Blessed
Step into a new way of thinking, loving, and living in your blended family. Learn the keys to humility, self-control and coping with your personal and family challenges.
Please contact for further information.
For Valentine’s Weekend 2022, First Baptist Church of Glenarden’s annual Love Notes event is back with a new artist! Our Couples Ministry is headed out for a romantic evening of dinner, dancing and live music from a guest artist!
Join the men of First Baptist at a monthly gathering to study God’s Word and learn the biblical principles that will help them better lead in the home, office, church and community.
Please contact for further information.
Please contact for further information.
Please contact for further information.
Please contact: for further information.
This Bible study is to address young adult life topics and give young adults the proper tools to get to the next phase or level in life using Godly principles and standards.
Please contact for further information.