Virtual Couples Information Session
OnlineJoin us to learn about the many opportunities that the Couples Ministry offers to enrich your marriage. Register at
Family Academy
Evening of Elegance
SAT Prep
Night of Prayer
Making College Affordable
Sisters for Your Journey
Blended Families
Ask a Professional
Connect with top professionals who will provide expert guidance on legal matters, financial planning, estate and exit strategies, and more.
Veterans Claims Clinic
Veterans, join us to learn the necessary resources to file a claim and understand the PACT Act.
Blended & Blessed
Step into a new way of thinking, loving, and living in your blended family. Learn the keys to humility, self-control and coping with your personal and family challenges.
Seniors on the Go
Seniors ages 60 and over, join us for an evening of fun, music and fellowship. For in-person attendees, please bring your own food.
Glory to Glory
Join us in-person or online for Glory to Glory, a Good Friday production that will take you on a journey through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All Over NYC
FBCG is coming to New York! Get ready for a powerful worship experience. Join us for a worship service with Pastor Jenkins followed by an in-person baptism.
Beyond Conference
This year’s conference will equip you with innovative strategies and practical tools to inspire growth, strengthen your leadership, and enhance your impact.
Kingdom Kids Camp
Kingdom Kids Camp offers faith, fun & growth! With activities from arts to sports, your child will stay engaged in God’s love all summer. Register your child today!
Join us to learn about the many opportunities that the Couples Ministry offers to enrich your marriage. Register at
Join us as we celebrate our end-of-year gathering with you. Bring your family members of all ages to come play games, and enjoy food, prizes, friendship and fellowship! Register at
Join the men of First Baptist at a monthly gathering to study God’s Word and learn the biblical principles that will help them better lead in the home, office, church and community.
Whether you’re newly married, have been with your spouse for a number of years or are engaged, our Couples Ministry reinforces the covenant of marriage. Married and engaged couples are ministered to through classes, counseling, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, social...
For a mid-week dose of the Word, join us at 7 p.m. eastern time for Bible study, prayer and praise service. Bible study is also offered to children and youth.
Join us to learn valuable information to help you prepare for end-of-life events. Register today at
Join us for a panel discussion on ways to bridge the gap between generations. For more information, register at
If you believe that you are fully knowledgeable in a particular institute course and want to receive credit, sign up to test out of a course! To register, visit
Communion Service is held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:30 p.m. ET. The right hand of fellowship is also offered to our new members during this service. New members must complete the New Member Orientation.
The church will be closed on May 29 in honor of Memorial Day. Take a moment to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives in service to our country.