UYBS continues the tradition of developing young dynamic disciples by providing biblical principles to middle and high school students through exciting Christ-centered bible studies and activities.
The mission of Intermediate Ushers (ages 13-25) is to orderly and systematically seat guests, as well as assist with the collection of offerings.
The Healing, Transitions and Bereavement Ministry supports members of our congregation and community who are struggling with sickness, terminal illness and grief.
Teen boys (6th – 12th grade) to learn how to navigate the difficult teenage lifestyle, subcultures, and everyday challenges in a manner pleasing to God.
Seniors play an integral part in the FBCG ministry. To help make them feel honored and respected, our Friendly Visitors Ministry visits and calls senior members at their homes, nursing/assisted living facility or at a mutual location.
The First Touch Ministry serves everyone who enters into God’s house by facilitating the ultimate experience in ministry and worship.
Men, women and children who find their lives shattered by domestic violence can receive help during this difficult time.
Every July, Vacation Bible School teaches the Word of God in a nurturing environment that encourages learning in a number of creative ways for children and adults. Registration occurs from April to June.
To educate, empower and engage individuals on the importance of active engagement in voting in local, state and national elections for candidates that exhibit a platform committed to Christian values.
The Children’s Discipleship Ministry aims to introduce children to their roles and responsibilities as new young believers by assisting them in developing habits and practices that help them develop, grow, and strengthen their faith in Christ.